The War That Saved My Life By: Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

Taking place in England during WWll, we are introduced to a young girl named Ada and her brother Jamie, and how the war did in fact save their lives.  Ada faces many challenges including having a twisted foot and an abusive mother who barely lets her see the light of day, but that won’t stop Ada.  Through her determination and courage, she decides to escape out of London to the countryside with Jamie, where they are taken in by a stern woman named Susan Smith.  As Ada explores the type of person she is and goes through her ups and downs, an outer force can cause her livelihood to turn upside down.

For me, this is a book I love to read time and time again.  Ever since reading this book, I absolutely fell in love with Ada, and felt that her growth throughout the book was beautiful.  I am also a huge fan of historical fiction novels, so this was an amazing balance of historical fiction and a feel-good book.  I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a historical fiction with a character that goes on a self journey.  Overall, a solid 10 out of 10

Rust Library  Book Reviewer: Maisha Tasmi

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